香港科技大学土木基建工程与管理硕士课程设计灵活,顾及学员个别需要及兴趣外,也同时保证课程有足够广度。本课程对学员选修学课的限制不多。学员可自行决定属于自己的专业进修范畴,只在其中多个专业范畴选修学课; 或于多个不同范畴选修学课,从而涵盖广泛知识。学员可能在职业的不同阶段有不同需要,所以选修学课的灵活度对学员尤其珍贵。
1、 环境工程 (EE)
1) CIEM 5410 风险评估与污染土地的清理
[Co-list with JEVE 5410] [Previous Course Code: CIEM 541] Innovative technologies for land and groundwater remediation, site investigation, risk assessment, and local case studies on land decontamination such as Kai Tak airport, Penny's Bay, North Tsing Yi will be included.
2) CIEM 5480 污水处理及回用
[Co-list with JEVE 5410] [Previous Course Code: CIEM 541] Innovative technologies for land and groundwater remediation, site investigation, risk assessment, and local case studies on land decontamination such as Kai Tak airport, Penny's Bay, North Tsing Yi will be included.
2、 防火工程 (FE):
3、 岩土工程 (GE):
1) CIEM 5710 Fundamentals of Soil Behavior
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 571 and CIEM 600I] The main objective of this course is to understand the fundamentals of soil behavior with particular emphasis on the physical principles behind the macro-scale engineering properties, which originate from "particle interactions". In the first part of this course, fundamentals of soil behavior will be revisited. In the second part, experimental characterizations of particulate-scale soil behavior will be introduced, including an introduction to the basics of innovative wave-based techniques (using mechanical and electromagnetic waves) and different applications of this non-destructive measurement technique.
2) CIEM 5720 高等基础工程
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 572] Current practice of foundation design and analysis; includes design and analysis of bulkheads, deep excavation, tieback systems, tunneling in soft ground, buried conduits, lateral pile loading, pier foundations.
3) CIEM 5770 非饱和土力学与工程学
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 577] Fundamental principles, stress state variables, steady-state and transient flows, theory of shear strength and its measurements, soil stiffness, plastic and limit equilibrium analyses of earth pressures, slope stability and bearing capacity, critical state framework, instrumentation, engineering applications on slopes including static liquefaction of loose fill slopes, foundations, forensic studies such as slope failures. Background: CIVL 372 or equivalent Exclusion: CIVL 577
4) CIEM 5790 Slope Engineering and Management
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 6000B] This course will introduce in detail the slope safety management system in Hong Kong, including its background, past development, as well as its key components, e.g. geotechnical control and landslide prevention and mitigation programme. The course will also cover basic knowledge on engineering geology, Hong Kong landslides, fundamentals and methods of slope stability assessment, slope stabilisation and landslide mitigation measures as well as the advanced subjects of quantitative risk assessments and use of novel technologies in landslide assessment.
5) CIEM 6000C Tunnel and Cavern Engineering
The course is intended to introduce post-graduate students the essential knowledge in the design and construction of tunnels and caverns. The topics cover ground characterization, design principles, construction techniques, risk assessment and management and lessons learnt from past case histories.
6) CIEM 6000F Fundamentals of Geomechanics
The course provides an introduction to the fundamental theories in geomechanics and numerical methods for geotechnical problems. It covers the following topics on both soils and rocks: strength theories; constitutive models; finite element method; finite difference method; discrete element method; numerical implementation of constitutive modeling for geotechnical application; introduction to common software in geotechnical analysis and design.
7) (Previous course code: CIEM 600M) 隧道与地下工程
The course provides an introduction to analysis and design in tunneling and underground engineering. Topics include: soil and rock mass classification for tunnels; stress-strain-strength properties of rock mass and discontinuities; stress and deformation analysis around excavations; tunnelling in rocks and soft grounds; design of tunnel support system and rock reinforcement, and other related 建设技术.
4、 基建系统工程与管理 (MS):
1) CIEM 5100 建设技术
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 510] The process and methodology of construction and the approach of supervision in accordance with the local practice are discussed and illustrated. Observation on the quality and safety of work is emphasized with particular attention to the local regulations. References are made to local construction cases and the practice notes issued by the authority.
2) CIEM 5130 建筑物规划与建设
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 513] Buildings Ordinance, Buildings Regulations, Codes of Practice, Duties of Authorized Person and Registered Structural Engineer, Town Planning Ordinance, Land Matters, Environmental Impact Assessment, Traffic Impact Assessment, Drainage Impact Assessment, Sewerage Impact Assessment, Structural Plan Submission, Quality Supervision, Occupation Permit, Property Development, Case Studies.
3) CIEM 5140 Construction Project Delivery
Principle of Project Management; Contractor Management; Public Works Development; Consultant Management & Engineering Proposal; Design & Build; BOT & PPP; Project Finance; Project Risk Management; Project Partnering; Value Management; Safety Management; Environment Management; Case Studies.
4) CIEM 5150 Dispute Resolution for Engineers
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 600L] This course focuses on different forms of contracts used in the construction industry; different dispute resolution methods such as mediation, arbitration, adjudication, China arbitration etc. will be discussed in depth. Law of Contract and Conditions of Contracts will be presented. Risk, time and cost control in contract will also be discussed. Class participation and presentation in the various topics are expected from students.
5) CIEM 5160 建设财政管理
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 516] Estimate, tendering strategy, budgetary control, contract account, cash flow management, depreciation, taxation effects, annual reports, strategic management, benefit cost analysis, life cycle costing, value engineering.
6) CIEM 5810 工程风险、可靠性与决策
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 581] Bayesian methods, reliability evaluation, system reliability, reliability-based design, probabilistic risk analysis, probabilistic observational methods, Monte Carlo Simulation, Fault and Event Tree models, elementary utility theory, decision with multiple objectives. Emphasis will be placed on applications. Practical examples will be used extensively to demonstrate application of these methods.
5、 材料工程 (ME):
1) CIEM 5240 高等混凝土技术
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 524] Fundamental concepts (workability, strength, dimension stability, and durability); updated concrete technology (micro 结构工程, development of special concretes); concrete fracture and modeling; nondestructive evaluation methods for concrete structures.
2) CIEM 5250 翻新工程学
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 525] Reinforced concrete durability; damage caused by natural and human-being disaster; Infrastruture degradation, inspection; non-destructive evaluation; Conventional repair techniques; Composite materials; Steel plate or composite strengthening, beam and column retrofitting.
3) CIEM 5330 高等材料力学
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 533] Analysis of stress and strain; elastic and inelastic behavior of materials; formulation of BVP; beam on elastic foundations; torsion of noncircular thinwalled members; deformation of cylinders and spheres; inelastic analysis.
4) CIEM 5350 Advanced Prestressed Concrete
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 535 and CIEM 600C] Basic concepts of prestressed concrete, design for serviceability and time-dependent analysis, ultimate strength limit states, anchorage zones, statically indeterminate structures, two way slabs, compression and tension members, future developments.
6、 结构工程 (SE):
1) CIEM 5310 高层建筑物的结构分析与设计
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 531] Integrated treatment of analytical methods and technical aspects in design of tall building structures; includes structural modeling, frames, shear walls, outriggerbraced systems, core-walls, tubular structures, and special topics.
2) CIEM 5320 高层建筑物的计算机辅助设计优化
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 532] This course provides consolidated theoretical background and practical knowledge on the analysis, computer aided modeling and design optimization of modern tall building structures. Topics include behavior of different forms of tall building structures; finite element modeling and analysis; principles and practice of structural optimization for tall building design.
3) CIEM 5330 高等材料力学
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 533] Analysis of stress and strain; elastic and inelastic behavior of materials; formulation of BVP; beam on elastic foundations; torsion of noncircular thinwalled members; deformation of cylinders and spheres; inelastic analysis.
4) CIEM 5340 地震工程
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 534] An introduction and overview of 地震工程, basic seismology and earthquake characteristics, seismic response of SDOF and MDOF structures, philosophy and principles of earthquake resistant designs, and earthquake hazard mitigation including retrofit, smart structure and health monitoring technologies.
5) CIEM 5350 Advanced Prestressed Concrete
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 535 and CIEM 600C] Basic concepts of prestressed concrete, design for serviceability and time-dependent analysis, ultimate strength limit states, anchorage zones, statically indeterminate structures, two way slabs, compression and tension members, future developments.
6) CIEM 5370 风力对建筑物及结构的影响
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 537] Wind structures; wind loads; wind induced vibrations; wind codes; wind tunnel test techniques; structural monitoring; vibration control.
7) CIEM 5380 Bridge Engineering
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 538 and CIEM 600H] This course is focused on the bridge superstructure analysis and design using limit states design method. The main objectives of this course include the introduction of limit states design method; discussion of design philosophy and code requirements; as well as analysis and design examples using limit states design method.
8) CIEM 5390 Coastal Structures Design
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 539 and CIEM 600J] The course will cover basic wave characteristics, linear wave theory, wave transformation processes, wind-wave generation, coastal processes, wave-structure interaction, design procedures and requirements for coastal structures such as seawalls, breakwaters and beaches.
9) CIEM 6000E Earthquake-resistant Design of Concrete Structures
Introduction to earthquake engineering, earthquake-resistant structures and modern approaches to seismic design of concrete structures: (1) seismology, seismic response of SDOF and MDOF systems, seismic actions, seismic analysis of building systems, ductility, capacity design, seismic design for reinforced concrete members; (2) special topics: performance-based design, pushover analysis, nonlinear dynamic analysis.
7、 运输工程 (TE):
1) CIEM 5620 运输需求分析
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 562] Overview of transportation planning process; population/employment forecasting techniques; discrete choice models; simplified transportation demand models.
2) CIEM 5630 交通管制基础与实践
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 563] Traffic flow fundamentals; microscopic and macroscopic traffic flow characteristics; principle and theory of traffic signal; essential modelling techniques; various traffic signal control models.
8、 水资源工程 (WE):
1) CIEM 5390 Coastal Structures Design
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 539 and CIEM 600J] The course will cover basic wave characteristics, linear wave theory, wave transformation processes, wind-wave generation, coastal processes, wave-structure interaction, design procedures and requirements for coastal structures such as seawalls, breakwaters and beaches.
2) CIEM 5510 Hydraulics of Urban and Coastal Systems
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 6000A & CIEM 600K] This course is designed to give a comprehensive understanding of the hydraulics of pipelines, open channels, sewer mains and free surface flows. Particular attention will be given to topics relevant to water supply including leakage detection, urban drainage and coastal processes.
1) CIEM 6000 土木基建工程及管理特别课题
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 600] Selected topics of current interest. May be repeated for credit if different topics are covered.
2) CIEM 6980 理学硕士毕业设计
[Previous Course Code: CIEM 698] An independent project carried out under the supervision of a faculty member.
1) 持有土木工程或其他相关工程学科的学士学位,或者具有大学或高等学校的同等学历资格。
2) 如果申请者毕业于以英语作为教学语言的大学(包括香港所有的大学和北美、英国、澳大利亚、新加坡、新西兰等地的大部分大学),就不需提供英语能力证明;如果申请者毕业于非英语为教学语言的大学,则需于申请时递交英语能力证明。以下是部份建议可提供的证明:
a) 托福考试(TOEFL):笔试(PBT)分数≥550,网络考试(IBT)分数≥80
b) 雅思考试(IELTS):总分数≥6.0,所有测试项目的分数≥5.5