UCB的交通工程教学实力雄厚,在该领域一直处于领先地位。交通工程专业的faculty背景多样,甚至一些荣誉教授退休后仍会回校教授一些专业课程。 其课程由如下院系提供:城市与区域规划City and Regional Planning, 经济Economics, 工业工程和运筹学Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, 工商管理Business Administration, 政治学Political Science, and other departments offer courses related to transportation.而且,更为值得一提的是,学生还有机会与Institute of Transportation Studies(世界顶尖的,从事交通研究、教育交通研究中心之一)的研究人员一起工作和做研究。
1. Areas of Emphasis 研究领域
aviation and airport design and operation航空和航空站设计和运营
intelligent transportation智能交通
traffic safety交通安全
transportation finance运输金融
transportation economics运输经济学
infrastructure design and maintenance基础设置设计和维护
traffic theory运输原理
public policy公共政策
systems analysis系统分析
environmental policy环境政策
2. program开设项目:
Master of Science: 这个项目有2个plan。研究方向是transportation engineering和transportation system track。
MS Plan I:
★Thesis required
★20 units with 8 in Transportation (2 of these 8 can be CE 299) and 2 of the remaining 12 can be CE 299
★2 semesters
MS Plan II:
★1-hour oral comprehensive examination is required
★24 units with 12 in Transportation Engineering (2 of these 12 can be CE 299) and 2 of the remaining 12 can be CE 299
★2 semesters
Master of Engineering (MEng):该项目的研究方向是Intelligent Transportation Systems Track 智能交通系统。
24 units
Core Leadership classes: E 271, E 272
An integrative capstone project: E 296 MA/MB
2 required technical electives: CE 251, CE 252
2 courses chosen from: CE 253, CE 255, CE 259, CE 260, CE 264
See Fung Institute for more information.
Intelligent Transportation Systems Track:这个项目能够让你运用技术和商业技巧去最大限度地活用交通基础设施资源,使其达到最大化利用。其课程信息如下:
Engineering core leadership courses (6 units):
E 271: Engineering Leadership I
E 272: Engineering Leadership II
Two required technical elective courses (6 units):
CE 251: Transportation Operations
CE 252: Transportation Systems Analysis
Two technical electives chosen from below options (6 units):
CE 253: Intelligent Transportation Systems
CE 255: Highway Traffic Operations
CE 259: Public Transportation Systems
CE 260: Air Transportation
CE 264: Behavioral Modeling
除了如上提到的课程,还需要完成一个5学分的Integrative Capstone Projects。
★要求有学士学位或者硕士学位。在PHD学习前,需要先拿到Master学位: A demonstrated superior level of academic achievement (minimum 3.5 GPA) in your graduate studies and support of a faculty research adviser are required to continue in the program.
★Minimum GPA of 3.5 in the major and above 3.0 in the minor fields.
★Each PhD student must have a graduate advisor to provide general academic guidance and to help with administrative matters, and a research advisor to supervise the student's dissertation research and to assist in identifying funding paths.
★Broad variety of courses in Transportation Engineering, e.g. policy, operations, systems, and design + basic core.
★Proficiency in probability/statistics, e.g. Stat 134 and Stat 135 or CE 262
★Two minors
★Three examinations:
★Preliminary examination
★Written qualifying examination
★Oral qualifying examination
★Workshops with thesis committee
Concurrent MCP/MS with City and Regional Planning:
Dual degree with City Planning
★Satisfy requirements of “City Planning”
★Satisfy requirements of “Transportation Engineering” as for MS Plan II
★5 semesters
要求修够60个学分。这个项目不仅涉及交通工程的知识,还涵盖环境和社会规划等学科知识。修完即可获得双学位:Master of City Planning (MCP) and Master of Science (MS) in Engineering。其课程要求,交通工程方面同MS Degree的Plan II。此外,一开始便需要确定城市规划研究领域的一名导师,由他指导你顺利完成城市规划方面的课程要求。
1. 背景要求:理科和工科类学生均可申请,要求有较强的分析和数理背景
2. Prerequisites先修课程要求:
• 1 year college-level calculus
• 1 year college-level physical science (e.g. Physics 7A/7B)
• 1 semester probability and statistics (See Transportation's Statistics/linear algebra diagnostic)
• 1 semester elementary linear algebra
3. 申请日期:不接受春季入学
• 12月2日:MS/MPP concurrent degree项目的秋季申请截止日期,同时也是fellowship的截止日期。 同时要求完成推荐信、标化成绩和成绩单的送达。
• 12月7日:其他项目的申请和fellowship的截止日期,包括其他申请材料的送达;
• 1月6日:MEng degree (Transportation Engineering and Systems (Civil Systems) Programs)的申请截止日期。
4. 申请文件要求
★ Bachelor degree
★ GPA: 最低3.0,录取平均分是3.7
★GRE: 5年内成绩,可接受新旧GRE。150+ in Verbal, 160+ in Quantitative, and a 4+ in Analytical Writing,Institution Code: 4833,Department Code: 1102
★TOEFL: minimum 90/120. The institution code for Berkeley is 4833.雅思7分。雅思需要邮寄纸版给学校:
Graduate Admissions
Civil and Environmental Engineering
750 Davis Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-1714
★ Personal Statements:包括Statement of Purpose 和Personal History Statement concisely. The Statement of Purpose should reflect your degree goal while the Personal History should reflect on your experiences. 需要在线上传。不能超过2页,格式要求:单倍行距,12号字体。
★Academic interest专业兴趣:如果申请MS/PhD or PhD program,你需要指出自己感兴趣的领域和教授。
★ Need-based Financial Aid:国际生不可申请。